Unleash Your Potential with Empowerment and Mastery Coaching - Kellon Martin

Break the chains of self-sabotage by discovering your divine identity so that you have clarity on your vision, understand your purpose, and become your highest self.


Transform your life with the ultimate self-discovery journey

Break free from your limiting beliefs, overcome self-sabotage, and discover your life's purpose. The time for you to evolve is now.


Experience the Power of Advanced Life Coaching

Dr. Martin's coaching programs are tailored to instigate profound personal transformation. His strategic methods gear you towards self-mastery, ensuring you gain the tools to conquer any obstacle in your path. With over 500+ training and practicum hours and 14+ years of experience, Kellon Martin has designed a uniquely effective coaching methodology that empowers individuals to transform their lives.

Whether you're aching for breakthrough coaching, wealth mastery, health and fitness, spiritual, or relationship coaching, we've got you covered. Our result-based coaching is meticulously designed to cater to your unique needs.

What Makes Us Stand Apart?... Our Transformation Framework!

Dr. Kellon Martin's coaching program is designed to be a life-affirming process that not only catalyzes growth but also equips you to maintain and build upon that growth independently. With his IRIA™ principle as your framework, you'll have the structure and support necessary to navigate your transformation with clarity and purpose.
Embarking on this journey with Dr. Martin, you can expect to emerge more aligned with your true self, empowered to create the life you've always desired, and equipped with the understanding and skills to continue evolving. Welcome to a powerful partnership that will illuminate your path to holistic transformation.


IRIA™ is the framework by which Dr. Martin is guides clients through a transformative journey which focuses on the foundation of client empowerment to ensure that each individual can actualize their ideal self and lead a fulfilling life. IRIA™️ is also the ethos that Dr. Martin himself lives by and the source from which he creates all coaching materials.


Your coaching experience begins with the process of Idealization, where Dr. Martin guides you to envision your highest self and the life you truly desire. This stage is about dreaming big and without limitations, allowing you to create a vivid and compelling image of who you aspire to be. As you articulate your ideal self, you'll explore the values, beliefs, and life purpose that resonate deeply with your core being.


In the Realization phase, Dr. Martin helps you recognize the potential that exists within you to achieve the life you've idealized. This is a moment of awakening, where you'll start to see the possibilities and understand the steps needed to align your current reality with your envisioned future. You'll learn to focus your thoughts and intentions on what can be achieved through your ideal self, setting the groundwork for tangible change.


The Identification stage is all about aligning your identity with your ideal self. Dr. Martin supports you through a transformative process where you'll shed limiting beliefs and past narratives that no longer serve you. This phase can be challenging, as it involves letting go of the old self to make room for the new. However, it's also empowering, as you begin to identify and live as your ideal self, understanding the necessity of this inner metamorphosis.


Finally, Actualization is where your transformation becomes fully realized. In this phase, Dr. Martin assists you in integrating your ideal self into every aspect of your life. You will experience a purification of the mind, freeing yourself from doubt and fear, and embracing a life of confidence and action. Living as your ideal self in both thought and deed, you'll unlock your ability to succeed in every area you desire.


Our commitment to your empowerment - your triumph is our victory. But don't take our word for it. Our raving reviews speak for themselves. Join the ranks of countless individuals who have unlocked their true selves, discovered their worth, and started experiencing life on their terms.


  • Personalized Guidance: Dr. Martin tailors each session to your unique needs, ensuring that your journey is as individual as you are.
  • Holistic Approach: You'll experience a coaching style that considers all facets of your life, fostering balance and comprehensive growth
  • Empowerment: Expect to be empowered with tools, techniques, and insights that enable you to take charge of your transformation.
  • Supportive Environment: Dr. Martin creates a safe and nurturing space for you to explore your inner world and embrace change.
  • Deep Self-Exploration: You'll dive deep into self-reflection, uncovering hidden strengths and potentials that lie within you.
  • Accountability: Throughout your coaching, Dr. Martin will hold you accountable, helping to maintain your focus and momentum.
  • Growth and Learning: Be prepared for continuous learning and personal development as you progress through the stages of IRIA™
  • Life-Long Skills: The skills and knowledge you gain will serve you long after the coaching program, equipping you for ongoing success and fulfillment.
  • Transformation: As you move through the IRIA™ principle, expect to experience a profound transformation, not just superficial changes, but shifts that affect the core of your being and how you interact with the world around you.
  • Measurable Progress: Dr. Martin will help you set clear goals and milestones, allowing you to track your progress and experience the satisfaction of your achievements.
  • Sustainable Change: The goal of this coaching is not just to inspire temporary change but to instill new habits and mindsets that lead to sustainable life transformations.


What's good everyone?

I am Dr. Kellon Martin, a Doctor of Metaphysics and your partner on this journey to self-discovery and transformation.

Ever since my early days, life has been a dynamic roller coaster with a medley of trials, tribulations, and triumphs. My narrative has been sculpted by pressing matters of fatherlessness, homelessness, divorce, and addiction. These struggles I've overcome have taught me resilience. Amid the storm, I discovered my divine identity and my passion to help others do the same.

Drawing inspiration from my own journey, I have dedicated my life to assisting you in clearing the cobwebs of self-doubt, eliminating self-sabotage, and destroying limiting beliefs. I stand resolute in my conviction that everyone deserves to meet their greatest self - the "real you" that remains unaltered by circumstances and unshaken by trials.

Take your step today, don't waste another second. Click the link.


There are four things that we will do to help you take control of your mind, break cycles of self-sabotage and help you live the life of your dreams.

We focus on...

Bringing your attention to who you really are rather than focus on what you believe you're not. Your divine identity is the divine ideal that God has created for you. This ideal is limitless and yours to have and possesses everything you desire to achieve within it. All you have to do is believe it.

We investigate...

We search the depths of your mind to reveal lying/limiting beliefs. The reasons you believe that you can't have what you want in life. These beliefs have been embedded into your mind and are the only reasons you're unsuccessful or why your success seems to be fleeting. This step takes honesty and vulnerability.

We apply...

necessary steps and practices for the reprogramming of your mind so that it completely transforms your mentality and physiology. We include daily meditation, workbook assignments, visualization techniques, breathwork, and health and wellness coaching for a holistic transformation.


to your divine identity is crucial. This process comes through the realization that you are greater than you think and that you've had the power to change all along. We do the necessary growth work to help you identify and embrace your higher self so that you begin to actualize prosperity in every area of your life.




Are you ready to take that first step? To embrace the change and step into a better tomorrow? Join me today, and let's begin this journey of transformation, together.

Dr. Martin's services are carefully designed to guide you through your personal transformation journey. These options cater to various needs and preferences:

  • Pay-As-You-Go Model: Ideal for those at the beginning of their transformation journey and wish to take one step at a time.

  • Transformation Package: Best suited for those committed to making a substantial shift in their lives. This package offers a significant saving.

  • Subscription Model: Perfect for those who are highly dedicated to their self-improvement journey and like engaging with a like-minded community.

  • Specific Coaching Program Access: Tailor-made for individuals aiming to focus on specific areas in their personal or professional life.

  • Single E-Book Purchase and E-Book Bundle Offers: Well-suited for those who enjoy learning at their own pace, with insightful strategies and tools for transformation.

  • Coaching Certification Program: Created for those who have a passion for personal transformation and wish to coach others using our methodology.

Each option provides a unique opportunity for growth and transformation. Choose the one that speaks to you and embark on an exciting journey of personal evolution with us. Ready to take the next step towards a better you? Decipher your path, make your choice, and let's transform together!



B. Benson

"Amazing stuff brother! This is so powerful!"


He has really changed my life with his wisdom. You can tell he truly cares for you. He made me feel safe to open up and his coaching gave me the courage to make decision I have been afraid to make.

Jeremy C.

Kellon has taught me how to become courageous and overcome my addiction. He has helped me get the confidence I need to pursue my dreams. My life is completely changed because of him.

Stephanie C.

Having Kellon as a coach has altered the course of my life- it isn't just his breadth and depth of knowledge in literally all things health and wellness, it's his compassion to meet you wherever you're at, without judgement, and help you expand into your own limitless potential. 

Juan Pena

You should definitely check this guy out Kellon brings a ton of life value. I’m grateful to have met him. He has given me insight to know the right step to take in my relationship situation

Ashley J.

I met Kellon at a time in my life where I was going through the most difficult moments I have ever experienced. I was out of alignment with myself, my purpose and lacked self love. I am grateful for the opportunity to have someone him. His coaching helped me instill the power of believing in myself and maintain a positive mindset. I can turn any negative into a positive now!